Welcome! It all starts here.

Soul Therapy School® supports women globally in releasing fear, embracing her authentic self and being able to openly express her desires while nurturing her spirit. By enrolling into Soul Therapy School® you are consciously saying yes to embracing freedom in this lifetime.  Women who enroll get to live an extraordinary life and support other women with our 13-month professional licensing training program. 

Soul Therapy was founded upon the premise that human beings are not born to suffer but arrive longing to experience the fullness of life, free to express her authentic self and live in freedom. 

Our Soul Therapist licensing training program is a solution based therapeutic approach to human evolution. Research on neurosciences, epigenetics, the interconnection of species and human longevity. All of these combined with ancient spiritual practices deliver outcomes that eradicated pain and suffering from the human condition.

Our evolutionary approach to teaching is a direct approach to experiencing the work as you study the teachings, training modules, guided techniques and mediations. Mental and emotional embodiment teachings enhance our advanced therapeutic healing tools providing you with an excellent professional hands-on approach to living liberated in your mind, emotions and uplift your spirit.  

 What qualifies us as unique is the direct experience you receive in releasing entanglements that are deeply buried inside your genetic coding and entrained in your nervous system and emotional body.

This entanglement dampens your spirit and mind from expressing who you are ~ the truth of your authentic self. This authentic self is your soul's expression. You will learn how to bring peace of mind and an open heart to your clients and yourself, to live aligned to your purpose.

When you are not expressing your authentic self, you become stuck in a pattern that feels hard to escape. Soul Therapy gets to the core of why this separation of soul connection is present and heals it with our evolutionary therapeutic approach.  

 You came here to live in the frequency of joy and love, not fear and suffering. It's time to begin your Soul Therapy journey, to live from a place of integrity, compassion, trust, self-expression and authentic love.  

Soul Therapy Programs ~ You Will Be Professionally Trained How To Support Women Globally With Our Curated Soul Therapist Pakcages

The Awakening Sessions bring you to an awareness of where you have created limitations based on past conditioning.

You feel stuck and want to get clear on why and then move beyond feeling and experiencing this emotional and mental baggage feeling empty and lacking focus on purpose. You will learn to recognize your challenges in life and not be a victim to them, but see in a powerful way the lessons contained within them so you can release painful situations from the past and present.
Soul Therapy Programs ~ You Will Be Professionally Trained How To Support Women Globally With Our Curated Soul Therapist Pakcages

3 Month Soul Therapist Heart Immersion

You desire to connect deeply with your heart and express who you are.

During your Heart Immersion, you will come to understand yourself better than you ever have, knowing what decisions are in perfect alignment for you to move forward in life courageously while loving yourself tenderly and fiercely. You desire to connect deeply with your heart and express who you are.
Yes, I want to learn more!
3 Month Soul Therapist Heart Immersion

6 Month Soul Therapist Life Path Journey

You want to feel secure in your body and healthy in mind knowing that your life path is aligned to your heart desires. Healing past relationships with family, friends and lovers is very important to you.

Your Life Path Journey is a deep exploration of discovering who you are, why are you here and what life path is the most beneficial and rewarding for you. You will come to understand how your life path influences how you feel about your body and your thoughts. You will discover how your emotions can be the inspiration of creating abundance while showing you how your spirit can lead you into your greatest journey in life.
Begin Your Enrollment Today
6 Month Soul Therapist Life Path Journey

Enrol now by schedualing your complimentary session with a Licensed Soul Therapist

Please be in a quiet space, open hearted and mind to receive during your session. We would appreciate you to be fully present, no note taking or any social media or webpage tabs open to distract you. Thank you.

Complimentary Soul Therapist Session
  • 00Days
  • 00Hours
  • 00Minutes
  • 00Seconds

Course curriculum

  • 1
    • Why Soul Therapy, why now?
  • 2
    • Understanding the Soul Therapist Integrative Wholebody System
    • Foundations of Soul Therapy
  • 3
    Emotional Body
    • Introduction
    • Foundations
    • Your Genetic Spiritual Code
    • The Energy That Binds Your DNA
    • Nurturing Your Inner Core
    • Evolutionary Leap
    • Emotional Purity
    • Receiving Love & Joy
    • Earth Chords
    • Circular Breath Of Life Energy
    • Emotional Bio-Dynamic Healing
    • Clearing Emotional Chords
  • 4
    Mental Body
    • Introduction
    • Foundations
    • Brain Entrainment for Optimum Mental Clarity
    • Psychobiology & Your Brain
    • Releasing Painful Memories
    • Cycles of Positive VS Negative Influences
    • Why Your Brain Retains Negative Experiences
    • Creating Future Goals - Mind Mapping
    • Repattering Your Subconscious
    • Eliminating Mental Toxins
    • Releasing Generational Imprinting
    • Your Purpose & Vision Of Success
    • Raise Your Telepathic Vibration
    • Neurological Health & Healing
    • Eliminate Self Judgement & Sabotage
    • Mental Training To Complete & Follow Through
    • Consciously Make Healthy Decisions
    • Awakening Your Frontal Lobes For Success
    • Releasing Your Memory of Fear & Lack
  • 5
    Physical Body
    • Introduction
    • Foundations
    • Ancient Origins of Humanity
    • Cosmic Evolution of Our Species
    • Understanding The Human Condition
    • Earth’s Energy Body, A Deeper Relationship
    • Emotional Body
    • Sacred Ceremony & Honoring The Earth
    • Mental Body
    • Mapping The Chakra System
    • Physical Body
    • Evolutionary Whole-Body System
    • Spiritual Body
    • Frameworks In The Physical Body
    • Soul Body
    • Integrative Healing For The Future
    • How To Work With Stored Painful Energy In The Physical Body
    • Ancient Technologies & Earth Elements
    • Understanding Morphogenetic Fields
    • Accelerated Spiritual Energetic Fields
    • Balancing Your Energy Field
    • Optimizing Your Conscious Awareness
    • Being Present To Your Story of Pain & Suffering
    • Grounding Technique
    • How To Achieve High Optimal Performance
  • 6
    Spiritual Body
    • Introduction
    • Foundations
    • Your Why & Purpose In The World
    • Commitment, The Truth
    • Connecting To Source Energy & Operating From a Higher Vibration
    • Sacred Geometry & World Axis Crystalline Grid II
    • States of Flow & Grace, Expressing Gratitude
    • Harmonize With Planetary Frequencies
    • Mindset For Freedom
    • Daily Ceremony & Elemental Influences
    • Human Species, Our Evolutionary Leap
    • The Global Mind, Ego VS Soul Evolution
    • Commitment To Your Vision - Spiritual Body
    • Spiritual Integrity + Truth
    • Quantum Fields & Your Spirit Body
    • Spiritual Core Dynamics & Experiences
    • Enhancing Your Sensory Perception
    • Activating Higher Centers of Consciousness
    • Stepping Into Spiritual Transformation
    • Merging Your Inner & Outer Worlds
  • 7
    Soul Body
    • Understanding Your Soul Body
    • Integrative Systems of the Soul Body
    • Self Mastery & Discipline
    • Being a Soulful Leader
    • Evolutionary Education Systems
    • Your Soul's Frequency & How To Maintain Integirty
    • Evolution From a Soul's Perpective
    • Cosmic Soul Families
    • The Soul's Destiny
    • Harmonic Frequencies & Earth Magnetics
    • Repairing Soul Fragmentation
    • Enhancing Your Sensory Perception
    • Vibrational Tones of Your Soul
    • Understanding Patterns In The Cosmic Landscape
    • Earth Expansion, Species Evolution
    • Inter-Dimensional Communication
    • Remembering Ancient Wisdom
    • Speaking To The Cosmos On Earth
    • Connecting To Your Soul's Intuitive Awareness
    • Soul Activating Technique
    • Assemblage Point ~ Earth Star Connector Technique
    • Soul Anchoring & Bridging Technique
  • 8
    Business Best Practices
    • Understanding Your Clients Needs
    • Soul Therapist Best Practices With Clients
    • Emotional Body Framework
    • Mental Body Framework Formula
    • Physical Body Framework Formula
    • Spirit Body Framework Formula
    • Soul Body Framework Formula
  • 9
    Soul Therapy Marketing Materials
    • Client Agreement Forms
    • Social Media Banners & Headers
    • Social Media Templates
    • Email Marketing Templates Design & Layout
    • Branded Marketing for Social Media
    • Best Communication Techniques
    • Writing Articles for Soul Therapist Website
    • Marketing Templates for Global Events
    • PDF Forms for Audience at Live Events
  • 10
    Soul Therapist Case Studies
    • Case Study Templates
    • FAQ's for Licensed Soul Therapist
    • 7 Key Strategies for Effectively Working With New Clients
    • Best Financial Invoicing Systems
    • How To Effectively Enroll New Clients With Consultations
    • Monthly Operations Procedures
    • Engagement with Global Clientelle
    • How To Book The Best Places & Locations Worldwide
    • How To Successfully Fill Your Weekend Seminars

Enrollment Discovery Call with a Licensed Soul Therapist

Reach out to one of our Licensed Soul Therapist for a discovery call to answer your questions and begin enrollment.

Book Your Call Now

Lovely words

“Deborah Skye has a teaching method that gets right to the core of anything and everything, and fast. Surrendering to the process of this education is a must, having trust, authenticity and integrity is paramount because Deborah Skye will call you out, there is no way to go half heartedly in this process of transformation. I have become so grounded and present in my body and my love for life itself is infinite. My values, self worth, passion, compassion, love, grace, presence, boundaries and integrity bars have been raised so high in the duration of this course that I can barely remember who I was, before I started. It’s like my DNA and frequency has been recoded, bringing me into alignment with my fully self expressed, unconditional loving, future self and that my old conditioned self seems like a past dream that has no hold on my life and way of being anymore.“ – Cassundra Ryan, Licensed Soul Therapist

Is this for me?

Soul Therapy School® is committed to providing you with the most powerful, honest, compassionate and loving approach to understanding who you are, why you are the way you are, and what stops you from living a powerful authentic life.

  • You have always wanted to help others and serve from a spiritual-soul connection but have found that the options available are limited. You have been called from a young age to serve humanity with an inner knowing that there is more to life than the 'normal' way of living.

  • Soul Therapy School® is the missing ingredient that is lacking in today's options for an integrative healing via the medical & therapuetic communities. Our Evolutionary Approach to healing the whole body is specifically designed to merge all aspects of a human being into her most authentic self, fully expressed. Prescribing heavy drugs to medicate is not the answer to healing the human spirit, this is only one facet of the whole person.

  • A Soul Therapist presents you with a platform of understanding exactly what is stopping you. This awareness has the potential to completely shift the way you experience your blocks, challenges and imprints that bind you to a repeated unconscious pattern. You will come to embody this work first before you begin your practice, to integrate the Soul Therapist framework.

  • Lifting the vibration of a human being back to her natural energetic point of origin, is systematically grounding and a long term solution. This framework includes your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this course for me?

  • How much time do I need weekly to listen or watch the module trainings?

    Two-three hours is all that is needed to complete the module. This includes answering the questions accompanying the training to deepen your experience and to integrate the work.

  • I have no prior training in the topics you are discussing, or teaching. Am I still qualified to take this Licensing Training?

    Yes, you are. The Integrative Wholebody System™ is the framework that was intelligently designed for Soul Therapist. You will be learning with Deborah Skye, the founder of Soul Therapy directly with her hands-on approach to teaching her students the practical and mystical aspects of the human soul.

  • How long has Soul Therapy been around for? I have not heard of this type of therapy or approach to healing the whole person before.

    In 1991 the foundational work for Soul Therapy was built when the founder, Deborah Skye King, lived alone in the jungle of Costa Rica. She opened her therapeutic & healing practice to the public, Soul Therapy Studio, in Yorkville, Toronto in 2007.

  • What will I receive at the end of this Licensing Program?

    Personally, you will receive an entirely new lifestyle. One that is more aligned to your true, authentic self that understands how to live with the power of conscious choice and freedom. Professionally, you will have completed your case studies and receive mentorship in your remaining three-months to qualify you to put into practice the practicum you have received over the 13-monhts. You will be supplied with everything you need - done-for-you, marketing packages, program outlines, international pricing list, social media bundle and all your marketing needs met, This is a comprehensive training, providing you with everything you need to become a Licensed Soul Therapist, AND given all the necessary tools to be very successful in today's' online marketplace. Everyone receives personal branding sessions to retain the uniqueness of each person's message and to highlight the specific service that you will offer with your Soul Therapist Licensing. Program packages are designed & created for you. There is no trying to figure out what you can do with your Licensing Training, it is a complete comprehensive training program. Soul Therapy School® has creatively designed a professional platform for you, to build you a successful, long-term business.

  • I have professional training in the field of mental health, will I be learning anything new?

    Most definitely. There is no cookie cutter approach in Soul Therapy School®. Everything you learn here is uniquely designed to speak to your mind, body and spirit on multiple levels that are not comprehensive to the logical mind. Our approach is designed to communicate directly to your soul. This is an approach that is multi-framed and integral to your whole body, speaking to aspects of your unconscious and regulating your energetic fields. Deborah Skye specifically works with your genetic coding, the DNA, the building blocks of your morphogenic field to amplify and shift your frequency to one that is pre-designed all ready for you, on the soul level. If you are asking yourself, "how does she do this?" her approach is a multidimensional framework that incorporates all fields of energy a human being interacts with and lives within. This is the core foundation of your Soul Therapy Training.